Kappfjell is a reindeer herder from the Jillen-Njaarke, a reindeer herding community in South Sápmi (Helgeland district) locked in battle with Øyfjellet Wind, one of Norway’s largest onshore wind energy projects. Øyfjellet Wind’s 72 turbines and more than 70 km of roads are spread over important migration routes of the Jillen-Njaarke. The herders say they never gave consent to the project and brought legal action against Øyfjellet Wind.
“There are two values of a reindeer herd. The first is the weight of meat…but maybe the most important value…is the continuation of the traditional knowledge”, Ole Henrik Kappfjell explained that what is at stake are Sámi ways of knowing for present and future generations.
As requested by Dalan Advokatfirma, who are representing Jillen-Njaarke, INTERPRT developed evidence files by creating a 3D model of the disputed area and situated Kappfjell and others testimonies of how the wind energy project is directly threatening their livelihoods and culture. This project’s overall aim is to develop methodologies where indigenous knowledge can be combined with cutting-edge technologies to open new ways for defending cultural rights in Sápmi and raise public awareness both nationally and internationally. Part legal advocacy, part artistic research, INTERPRT’s Øyfjellet aligns with UNESCO’s mandate to protect indigenous cultural landscapes.
Wind energy and extractive projects have direct impacts on reindeer herders that are compounded by cumulative impacts from shrinking grazing grounds linked with more roads, infrastructure, cabins, and also climate change. The Øyfjellet project was built across a crucial migration route disrupting the traditional cycle of moving reindeer to and from winter pastures. It has caused a license agreement violation since its construction phase and disturbances to the reindeer that go against Sámi animal welfare.
Two-dimensional maps do not fully capture the complex casualties involved with cumulative impacts. New forms of visual-spatial evidence can assist indigenous knowledge-based civil society organizations such as Protect Sápmi. By leveraging game engine technology, INTERPRT has integrated satellite images, environmental data, drone footage and situated testimonies into a 3D environment, to seamlessly move between places, events, actors, and data. This approach is highly effective in making complex information and testimonies more engaging and comprehensible, enhancing the impact of the investigative work. To our knowledge, this will be the first time such expert evidence was presented in a Sámi land rights case in Norway.
Photo and images: INTERPRT.
Game Engine model of Øyfjellet wind power plant with reindeer migration routes (yellow) and situated drone video footage.
Participatory modelling workshop with Jillen-Njaarke reindeer herders and INTERPRT team.